P = Use as a Primary, unbypassed capacitor
B = Use as a Bypass for larger uF value capacitors
P+ = Use as a Primary value, but may also be bypassed with CuTF or TFTF series. 1-10% of primary value is recommended for signal applications (preference towards smaller), and 10-25% for crosssover applications.
* No = DO NOT USE. None of the V-Cap series are safety rated or certified for use across the AC Line (117V or 240V). AC line capacitors have special considerations for safety and line voltage transients, and protections against a hazardous situation. X or Y rated caps are suitable for this application, or you must have have the technical knowledge and acknowldege/mitigate the risks if you deviate form this standard best practice. Warranty claims for V-Caps that have been used across AC line will be rejected.
We don't typically recommend bypassing interstage coupling caps, or small value (.47 uf or less) signal coupling caps. Bypassing effects can range from minimal to significant, so optimizing is best done on a case by case basis, by EAR.
Electricity can kill you. If you don't have the skills and knowledge to work on electrical components, hire a competent Tech to perform the work.
Rigid subjective recommendations of what's "best for this" or "best for that" don't account for the nearly infinite number of room configurations, system setups, component synergies, hearing response, and the gray matter between each audiophile's ears. "Horses for courses", as they say in the U.K. If it sounds good to you, IT IS GOOD.
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